Comics Of Seed Who would've known you could?
Posted 03 June 2004 - 08:36 PM
I have chosen to take the liberty of making fun of everyone in this clan with a sprite comic. Why, you say? Because I can (Thank you freedom of speech) and it's summer here and I'm as bored as a hunk of wood, so I have to do something or I'll explode.
So anyway, I'll tend to update this between once a week and once a lifetime if I feel like it. Do not take any real offense into these, because they're just comics anyway...
Son onto the comic! The first person I will be insulting today is Killerconvic.
Don't insult me if you think the humor is bland, because I don't enjoy!
Muler - Comic 2!
Green121 and Cspace - Comic 3!
Star Jedi and Ninten acting as Crescens - Comic 4
Star Jedi and Dragonman565 - Comic 5
KC and Star Jedi - Comic 6
Sproogle - Comic 7
So anyway, I'll tend to update this between once a week and once a lifetime if I feel like it. Do not take any real offense into these, because they're just comics anyway...
Son onto the comic! The first person I will be insulting today is Killerconvic.
Don't insult me if you think the humor is bland, because I don't enjoy!
Muler - Comic 2!
Green121 and Cspace - Comic 3!
Star Jedi and Ninten acting as Crescens - Comic 4
Star Jedi and Dragonman565 - Comic 5
KC and Star Jedi - Comic 6
Sproogle - Comic 7
QUOTE ( Zolon's Challenge Comic) |
Ninten's Retaliation - Comic 8
Obiwan - Comic 9
eVeRyOnE - Comic 10
Zolon's Predicament and 'Killer' solutions - Comic 11
QUOTE (Zolly's Warphole) |
Ninten's Loophole - Comic 12
Introductions of Characters - Comic 13
KC and Phieta - Comic 14
QUOTE (Zolly's Timewarp) |
Ninten's Phieta Ball-o-Doom - Comic 15
Cspace's Subconcious control on Obiwan - Comic 16
Introduction of the Series 'Wild Wild Wilderness' -Comic 17
Comic 18
Comic 19
Comic 20
Comic 21
Comic 22
Posted 03 June 2004 - 09:13 PM
QUOTE (Goku @ Jun 3 2004, 09:01 PM) |
That's awsome Funny funny funny Can't do me since it looks like he's using sigs. I don't have one lozl |
lolz he is drunk ( )
Posted 03 June 2004 - 09:20 PM
<marquee scroll direction=up scrollamount=3>
That was one meh of a shower... says:
Pool l8s d00dz and d00d3tz says:
Pool l8s d00dz and d00d3tz says:
That was one meh of a shower... says:
Kaiser had one meh of a shower says:
ur name
That was one meh of a shower... says:
That was one meh of a shower... says:
Kaiser had one meh of a shower says:
That was one meh of a shower... says:
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
there we go
That was one meh of a shower... says:
That was one meh of a shower... says:
how would you know?
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
ur name
That was one meh of a shower... says:
how would you know WHY it was one meh of a shower?
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
ur name
That was one meh of a shower... says:
what do you think i mean by it?
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
u had a meh of a shower
That was one meh of a shower... says:
why was it one meh of a shower?
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
cuz ur name says so
That was one meh of a shower... says:
That was one meh of a shower... says:
love it..
That was one meh of a shower... says:
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
That was one meh of a shower... says:
Rancid says:
Dingleburg: ill send u lolipoops :P
Dingleburg: pops***
Dingleburg: oh my goodness
dancingurl0792: LOL
dancingurl0792: hahaha how funny lolipoops
Dingleburg: at least i can still piss
arcangels shadow: and then sew it into some really attractive window drapes
Dingleburg: ill b pissing on ur window
arcangels shadow: *pnw3d*
arcangels shadow: that was easy
Dingleburg: i cant blive u think im attractive :-*
Dingleburg: :-)
arcangels shadow
Dingleburg: i work for god
arcangels shadow: well, since your death is currently marked as urgent
arcangels shadow: you can't file a report
arcangels shadow: but you can request me to file one for you
Dingleburg: i request glam dead
arcangels shadow: might want to sig that letter part there...
Dingleburg: lmao yeah
Dingleburg: hey
arcangels shadow: good material XD
Dingleburg: i am god's marketing agent
Dingleburg: hehehe
arcangels shadow: marketing???
arcangels shadow: you sell those stupid "sound of worship" CD's???
arcangels shadow: darn YOU!!
Dingleburg: lmao
Dingleburg: yeah
arcangels shadow: F***ING A**HOLE!!
Dingleburg: lmao
arcangels shadow: I HATE THAT S***
Dingleburg: god made it
Dingleburg: ur fired
arcangels shadow: nah
Dingleburg: and im the new death
arcangels shadow: he didn't
Dingleburg: w000000000000000000000t
arcangels shadow: his second did it, twit
Dingleburg: actually
arcangels shadow: don't you remember?
Dingleburg: no
arcangels shadow: Jesus was feeling left out
Dingleburg: god wiped out my memory
arcangels shadow: and stuck up, as usual
Dingleburg: i also give god his food
arcangels shadow: so he filed a report through accounting, (approved it himself) and made that Damned CD
arcangels shadow: so that he could get some recognition in the office
Dingleburg: lmao
arcangels shadow: as a result however, he got half the prayers he used to.
Dingleburg: god always said u made the CD
Dingleburg: LOL
arcangels shadow: like **** i made that crap
Dingleburg: Sproogle
arcangels shadow: that's god with his divine sense of humor
Dingleburg: lmao
arcangels shadow: he's such a practical joke freak
Dingleburg: me and sproogle sell God and Death merchendise
arcangels shadow: he even pulled a whoppee-cushion gag on the head of the angel approval dept.
Dingleburg: LOL
arcangels shadow: man, did sparks fly
Dingleburg: 1 question
Dingleburg: does death have a gf
arcangels shadow: (this just becomes better and better sigging material)
arcangels shadow: Death has some admirers
arcangels shadow: but most of them are sissies
Dingleburg: gothic chicks and Cspace
Dingleburg: :P
arcangels shadow: so they just write chapters in their diaries about me
arcangels shadow: ...diaries
arcangels shadow: ...
Dingleburg: Cspace was
arcangels shadow: almost as bad as sound of worship
Dingleburg: DUDE
arcangels shadow: ?
Dingleburg: Cspace was writing in his diaries about u?
Dingleburg: =-O
Dingleburg: =-O
arcangels shadow: ...
Dingleburg: isnt cspace god
arcangels shadow: that's just wrong
arcangels shadow: cspace god???
arcangels shadow: MAN THAT WOULD BLOW!!!
Dingleburg: lol
Dingleburg: a nice god
Dingleburg: :P
arcangels shadow: there'd be sentimental responses to prayers every 5 seconds!!
arcangels shadow: there wouldn't be any more war
arcangels shadow: and I'd be out of a job!!
Dingleburg: hahaha
Dingleburg: i'd still b marketing his RPG
Dingleburg: :P
arcangels shadow: i can just see it:
Dingleburg: Passion of the Curved Space
arcangels shadow: "SO SHAPE UP!! I KNOW THIS CL--PLANET CAN DO IT!!"
Dingleburg: lmao
arcangels shadow: lol
Dingleburg: Sloths wud still b alive :-)
Dingleburg: Giant Sloths
arcangels shadow: CSPACE!! IF HE'S SIGGING THIS, IT'S JUST A JOKE!!!
Dingleburg: im not sigging that part
arcangels shadow: oh man
arcangels shadow: it'd be hilarious if you did
Dingleburg: its in
arcangels shadow: ripple in the space-time continuem
arcangels shadow: i probably spelled that wrong...
arcangels shadow: darn spelling teachers...
Dingleburg: did babe ruth ever make it to heaven
arcangels shadow: "i just don't see why the future grim reaper has to learn how to spell..."
arcangels shadow: a**holes...
Dingleburg: FUTURE
Dingleburg: lol
arcangels shadow: Ruth?
arcangels shadow: I remember that guy
arcangels shadow: he never got off of earth
arcangels shadow: too many people remember him
Dingleburg: LOL
Dingleburg: candy bar
arcangels shadow: poor guy's stuck with those human crapheads
Dingleburg: we steal eat him to this very day
arcangels shadow: *still
Dingleburg: lmao
arcangels shadow: actually, that was his idea
Dingleburg: *sigged*
arcangels shadow: he poisened the mind of the mars co. president
arcangels shadow: that was so extremely fast, it's scary
arcangels shadow: HA HA!!
arcangels shadow: let's see here
Dingleburg: will sproogle die b4 me
arcangels shadow: "you request cannot be processed at this time, as you have not provided any kind of proof"
arcangels shadow: ...
Dingleburg: lol
arcangels shadow: "I'M DEATH!! WHAT F***ING PROOF DO I NEED???"
Dingleburg: t'was prolly sproogle messing with ur demise :P
arcangels shadow: "accounting is closed for divine lunchbreak. Please leave a message"
arcangels shadow: ...
Dingleburg: i mean
Dingleburg: sloth
arcangels shadow: *defenestrates accounting dept"
Dingleburg: will sproogle die b4 me
arcangels shadow: ...dunno
arcangels shadow: depends on when his death request gets out of customs
Dingleburg: I request sproogle dead
arcangels shadow: i sent that in 6 months ago
Dingleburg: darn
Dingleburg: ur stupid attempts to fight him with a spoon
arcangels shadow: lol
arcangels shadow: it was the fastest way available at the time
Dingleburg: *sigged*
Dingleburg: this is funny
arcangels shadow: hehehe
Dingleburg: brb
Dingleburg: more pretzel
arcangels shadow: k
arcangels shadow: xD
Dingleburg: can i request glam dead?
arcangels shadow: *writes a letter to god* "hey boss, two things. One: the cubs won their match the other day, I think you missfiled that fate document, might want to check with the archiving dept. Two: I'd like to have divine authority on when, why, and how people die, as it takes too darn long to file those reports. I mean, These people are living to the age of 100+ because of those darn underpaid accounting agents. Yeah...
your employee,
Mike says:
Knozit says:
Mike says:
shat ap
Knozit says:
Knozit says:
I will never!
Mike says:
its mikr.. not mink
Mike says:
Knozit says:
Knozit says:
ConvincedIAmMe: I don't wear pants..
Uranusisaplanet1: *sigged*
ConvincedIAmMe: bah
KaiserMike111: ok.. i voted for thongs... for they SHALL rule the earth
Dingleburg: They will pwn the wildy someday
KaiserMike111: hehe
Dingleburg: there will b a card called
Dingleburg: Thong wearer in yugioh
KaiserMike111: lol
Dingleburg: *sigged*
KaiserMike111: darn!
KaiserMike111: gerrr
Dingleburg: yo
ConvincedIAmMe: hehe
ConvincedIAmMe: * Popping granny's anal cherry * A rumping ruckus in granny's rear with 4 hours of granny grinding action!
ConvincedIAmMe: ewww...
Uranusisaplanet1: lol
Uranusisaplanet1: wah
ConvincedIAmMe: hehe
Uranusisaplanet1: *sigged*
ConvincedIAmMe: eww
Uranusisaplanet1: u r perveted looknig at granny porn lol
Uranusisaplanet1: y cant u look at petit porn lol
ConvincedIAmMe: I wasn't looking at porn at all
Uranusisaplanet1: wat was with that granny thing lol
ConvincedIAmMe: I was trying to get other people to look at it
ConvincedIAmMe: I covered my screen
Uranusisaplanet1: wanna see something awsum
Uranusisaplanet1: i fell down on my blades and face planted lol
ConvincedIAmMe: hehe
ConvincedIAmMe: I'll pass
Uranusisaplanet1: lol
Uranusisaplanet1: aight
ConvincedIAmMe: I dissected a cat today
Uranusisaplanet1: still *sigged*
ConvincedIAmMe: no more blood for me
Uranusisaplanet1: wtf
Uranusisaplanet1: lol
ConvincedIAmMe: nose bleed, cat dissection.. enough for me
Uranusisaplanet1: lol granny porn</marquee>
That was one meh of a shower... says:
Pool l8s d00dz and d00d3tz says:
Pool l8s d00dz and d00d3tz says:
That was one meh of a shower... says:
Kaiser had one meh of a shower says:
ur name
That was one meh of a shower... says:
That was one meh of a shower... says:
Kaiser had one meh of a shower says:
That was one meh of a shower... says:
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
there we go
That was one meh of a shower... says:
That was one meh of a shower... says:
how would you know?
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
ur name
That was one meh of a shower... says:
how would you know WHY it was one meh of a shower?
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
ur name
That was one meh of a shower... says:
what do you think i mean by it?
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
u had a meh of a shower
That was one meh of a shower... says:
why was it one meh of a shower?
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
cuz ur name says so
That was one meh of a shower... says:
That was one meh of a shower... says:
love it..
That was one meh of a shower... says:
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
That was one meh of a shower... says:
Rancid says:
Dingleburg: ill send u lolipoops :P
Dingleburg: pops***
Dingleburg: oh my goodness
dancingurl0792: LOL
dancingurl0792: hahaha how funny lolipoops
Dingleburg: at least i can still piss
arcangels shadow: and then sew it into some really attractive window drapes
Dingleburg: ill b pissing on ur window
arcangels shadow: *pnw3d*
arcangels shadow: that was easy
Dingleburg: i cant blive u think im attractive :-*
Dingleburg: :-)
arcangels shadow
Dingleburg: i work for god
arcangels shadow: well, since your death is currently marked as urgent
arcangels shadow: you can't file a report
arcangels shadow: but you can request me to file one for you
Dingleburg: i request glam dead
arcangels shadow: might want to sig that letter part there...
Dingleburg: lmao yeah
Dingleburg: hey
arcangels shadow: good material XD
Dingleburg: i am god's marketing agent
Dingleburg: hehehe
arcangels shadow: marketing???
arcangels shadow: you sell those stupid "sound of worship" CD's???
arcangels shadow: darn YOU!!
Dingleburg: lmao
Dingleburg: yeah
arcangels shadow: F***ING A**HOLE!!
Dingleburg: lmao
arcangels shadow: I HATE THAT S***
Dingleburg: god made it
Dingleburg: ur fired
arcangels shadow: nah
Dingleburg: and im the new death
arcangels shadow: he didn't
Dingleburg: w000000000000000000000t
arcangels shadow: his second did it, twit
Dingleburg: actually
arcangels shadow: don't you remember?
Dingleburg: no
arcangels shadow: Jesus was feeling left out
Dingleburg: god wiped out my memory
arcangels shadow: and stuck up, as usual
Dingleburg: i also give god his food
arcangels shadow: so he filed a report through accounting, (approved it himself) and made that Damned CD
arcangels shadow: so that he could get some recognition in the office
Dingleburg: lmao
arcangels shadow: as a result however, he got half the prayers he used to.
Dingleburg: god always said u made the CD
Dingleburg: LOL
arcangels shadow: like **** i made that crap
Dingleburg: Sproogle
arcangels shadow: that's god with his divine sense of humor
Dingleburg: lmao
arcangels shadow: he's such a practical joke freak
Dingleburg: me and sproogle sell God and Death merchendise
arcangels shadow: he even pulled a whoppee-cushion gag on the head of the angel approval dept.
Dingleburg: LOL
arcangels shadow: man, did sparks fly
Dingleburg: 1 question
Dingleburg: does death have a gf
arcangels shadow: (this just becomes better and better sigging material)
arcangels shadow: Death has some admirers
arcangels shadow: but most of them are sissies
Dingleburg: gothic chicks and Cspace
Dingleburg: :P
arcangels shadow: so they just write chapters in their diaries about me
arcangels shadow: ...diaries
arcangels shadow: ...
Dingleburg: Cspace was
arcangels shadow: almost as bad as sound of worship
Dingleburg: DUDE
arcangels shadow: ?
Dingleburg: Cspace was writing in his diaries about u?
Dingleburg: =-O
Dingleburg: =-O
arcangels shadow: ...
Dingleburg: isnt cspace god
arcangels shadow: that's just wrong
arcangels shadow: cspace god???
arcangels shadow: MAN THAT WOULD BLOW!!!
Dingleburg: lol
Dingleburg: a nice god
Dingleburg: :P
arcangels shadow: there'd be sentimental responses to prayers every 5 seconds!!
arcangels shadow: there wouldn't be any more war
arcangels shadow: and I'd be out of a job!!
Dingleburg: hahaha
Dingleburg: i'd still b marketing his RPG
Dingleburg: :P
arcangels shadow: i can just see it:
Dingleburg: Passion of the Curved Space
arcangels shadow: "SO SHAPE UP!! I KNOW THIS CL--PLANET CAN DO IT!!"
Dingleburg: lmao
arcangels shadow: lol
Dingleburg: Sloths wud still b alive :-)
Dingleburg: Giant Sloths
arcangels shadow: CSPACE!! IF HE'S SIGGING THIS, IT'S JUST A JOKE!!!
Dingleburg: im not sigging that part
arcangels shadow: oh man
arcangels shadow: it'd be hilarious if you did
Dingleburg: its in
arcangels shadow: ripple in the space-time continuem
arcangels shadow: i probably spelled that wrong...
arcangels shadow: darn spelling teachers...
Dingleburg: did babe ruth ever make it to heaven
arcangels shadow: "i just don't see why the future grim reaper has to learn how to spell..."
arcangels shadow: a**holes...
Dingleburg: FUTURE
Dingleburg: lol
arcangels shadow: Ruth?
arcangels shadow: I remember that guy
arcangels shadow: he never got off of earth
arcangels shadow: too many people remember him
Dingleburg: LOL
Dingleburg: candy bar
arcangels shadow: poor guy's stuck with those human crapheads
Dingleburg: we steal eat him to this very day
arcangels shadow: *still
Dingleburg: lmao
arcangels shadow: actually, that was his idea
Dingleburg: *sigged*
arcangels shadow: he poisened the mind of the mars co. president
arcangels shadow: that was so extremely fast, it's scary
arcangels shadow: HA HA!!
arcangels shadow: let's see here
Dingleburg: will sproogle die b4 me
arcangels shadow: "you request cannot be processed at this time, as you have not provided any kind of proof"
arcangels shadow: ...
Dingleburg: lol
arcangels shadow: "I'M DEATH!! WHAT F***ING PROOF DO I NEED???"
Dingleburg: t'was prolly sproogle messing with ur demise :P
arcangels shadow: "accounting is closed for divine lunchbreak. Please leave a message"
arcangels shadow: ...
Dingleburg: i mean
Dingleburg: sloth
arcangels shadow: *defenestrates accounting dept"
Dingleburg: will sproogle die b4 me
arcangels shadow: ...dunno
arcangels shadow: depends on when his death request gets out of customs
Dingleburg: I request sproogle dead
arcangels shadow: i sent that in 6 months ago
Dingleburg: darn
Dingleburg: ur stupid attempts to fight him with a spoon
arcangels shadow: lol
arcangels shadow: it was the fastest way available at the time
Dingleburg: *sigged*
Dingleburg: this is funny
arcangels shadow: hehehe
Dingleburg: brb
Dingleburg: more pretzel
arcangels shadow: k
arcangels shadow: xD
Dingleburg: can i request glam dead?
arcangels shadow: *writes a letter to god* "hey boss, two things. One: the cubs won their match the other day, I think you missfiled that fate document, might want to check with the archiving dept. Two: I'd like to have divine authority on when, why, and how people die, as it takes too darn long to file those reports. I mean, These people are living to the age of 100+ because of those darn underpaid accounting agents. Yeah...
your employee,
Mike says:
Knozit says:
Mike says:
shat ap
Knozit says:
Knozit says:
I will never!
Mike says:
its mikr.. not mink
Mike says:
Knozit says:
Knozit says:
ConvincedIAmMe: I don't wear pants..
Uranusisaplanet1: *sigged*
ConvincedIAmMe: bah
KaiserMike111: ok.. i voted for thongs... for they SHALL rule the earth
Dingleburg: They will pwn the wildy someday
KaiserMike111: hehe
Dingleburg: there will b a card called
Dingleburg: Thong wearer in yugioh
KaiserMike111: lol
Dingleburg: *sigged*
KaiserMike111: darn!
KaiserMike111: gerrr
Dingleburg: yo
ConvincedIAmMe: hehe
ConvincedIAmMe: * Popping granny's anal cherry * A rumping ruckus in granny's rear with 4 hours of granny grinding action!
ConvincedIAmMe: ewww...
Uranusisaplanet1: lol
Uranusisaplanet1: wah
ConvincedIAmMe: hehe
Uranusisaplanet1: *sigged*
ConvincedIAmMe: eww
Uranusisaplanet1: u r perveted looknig at granny porn lol
Uranusisaplanet1: y cant u look at petit porn lol
ConvincedIAmMe: I wasn't looking at porn at all
Uranusisaplanet1: wat was with that granny thing lol
ConvincedIAmMe: I was trying to get other people to look at it
ConvincedIAmMe: I covered my screen
Uranusisaplanet1: wanna see something awsum
Uranusisaplanet1: i fell down on my blades and face planted lol
ConvincedIAmMe: hehe
ConvincedIAmMe: I'll pass
Uranusisaplanet1: lol
Uranusisaplanet1: aight
ConvincedIAmMe: I dissected a cat today
Uranusisaplanet1: still *sigged*
ConvincedIAmMe: no more blood for me
Uranusisaplanet1: wtf
Uranusisaplanet1: lol
ConvincedIAmMe: nose bleed, cat dissection.. enough for me
Uranusisaplanet1: lol granny porn</marquee>
Posted 03 June 2004 - 09:22 PM
Lol, those are great. You're great at making those. Well, since there'll be more to come, I'll pin this up for ya.
P.S. Do your sister, she's great for this.
P.S. Do your sister, she's great for this.
"Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow."