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Res's Dreams.

#1 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Res {lang:icon}

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Posted 13 June 2007 - 07:01 PM

Last night I dreamed I had a job in the mountains as a horse breeder. My boss was my father (In the dream, it wasn't my real dad), and my co-workers were siblings. I was the least proficient out of all of the workers, and was denied any relation when asked about.

The space we raised horses was apparently a secret, but I didn't know that. It was a gorgeous field that seemed to stay in eternal evening. It was surrounded by massive pine trees with a long stretch of land that was cut off by a skyline of mountains that always had clouds above them. I thought it was a pretty place, so I took my girlfriend to the spot to show her how breathtaking the view was.

I got caught with her on this supposed "Secret Land" and was sent home being laughed at by not only my father and brothers, but other relatives as well. My girlfriend got off without incident.

I found a small go-cart on the way home, and thought it would be faster than walking, so I got in and drove off. On my way home I picked up two friends (Who were represented by people I know IRL.) and would drop them off at their house. But on my way up a hill, we saw a boy in a white shirt that was glowing green. One of my friends suffered a seizure by looking at this boy. My other friend told me "That is your new co-worker. He's better than anyone and he's living at your house."

So I go home, and get yelled at on the way up to my room. I find my father is already asleep, so it wasn't as bad. I see the green glowing boy enter his room, and I follow. He stabs my father to death, looks at me and starts screaming "Murder, murder." Everyone comes running in the room and finds me with a knife. He is gone.

I am chased out of the house and run for what seemed to be hours to my girlfriends house. I knock on her window and say "I love you, you have to come with me now." She climbs out and we run down a wooded trail until we get to a small ramshackle shed that is home to more of my friends. My friends have no money, or anything like that. They live completely off of what they kill and find. The shed is hidden in the woods and unknown to anyone else. My dogs are there, too. Two pugs who are hungry. I catch, kill, and cook a snake with red and yellow stripes and ask if it's head is poisonous to eat. She tells me yes and I throw it into the woods. I feed the dog and go inside the shed where I see my girlfriend asleep on a couch. I lay down beside her and go to sleep myself.

When I go to sleep, I wake up.
Overwhelmed as one would be, placed in my position.
Such a heavy burden now to be "The One".
Born to bear and read to all the details of our ending
To write it down for all the world to see.

#2 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Res {lang:icon}

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Posted 16 June 2007 - 09:59 PM

Last night I dreamed I was part of a play-back band. I was lead singer and played Led Zeppelins Stairway to Heaven about... 3 times, and then a Tony Sinatra song. All the while, I wore Corey Taylors mask.
Overwhelmed as one would be, placed in my position.
Such a heavy burden now to be "The One".
Born to bear and read to all the details of our ending
To write it down for all the world to see.

#3 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Res {lang:icon}

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Posted 17 June 2007 - 11:18 PM

OKay, last night was really weird, and really long. It spanned the length of about 3 dreams. And I'm 100% serious. I'm not smart enough to make this stuff up.

1: I was being held captive inside a bunker in Area 51 with 5 other friends of mine. We were being experimented on with all kinds of methods of torture and whatnot. After about a month of putting up with this, we decided enough was enough. When the guards came to take us to our next test, we jumped them and grabbed all of their assault rifles. We then proceeded up a cavern to the surface, mowing down anyone who happened to step in front of us. Once we surfaced, we made our way around a corner and kept our crosshairs trained on the door. Camping, basically. I told my friends to watch the other doors, because I was an expert at headshots.

So about 5 seconds pass, and literally hundreds of guards start pouring out of this door. It was like "Expendable henchmen 1/2/3/4/5/and so on. They just kept getting laid out. One of my friends asked me if I needed help and I said "No, eye shots are fun." And then I did just that.

Then a very fat man with white hair and a suit stepped out and aimed a large pistol at me, telling me to drop the gun. I did and jumped at him, trying to disarm him. We scuffled and fought, and I aimed the pistol at his head while it was still in his hand and pulled the trigger. He laughed and said "This is nothing but vinegar, water, and salt. You can't hurt me. Now put your guns down."

Everyone dropped their firearms, and hugged and made up.

2: So then we went to this really tall tower and I got to know some of my other cellmates. Two were girls, whos names I don't readily recall, and two others were myself, Charles (Whom I know IRL), and another guy who's on these forums who shall remain nameless.

The people in the base tell us what's going on, and that they were getting ready to defend the planet against an invasion from Mars. We're placed in little rooms that are like small hotel rooms and give access to the rest of the base. Soon though, Charles disappears. We go around the tower and try to find him, but can't. We go ask the captors if they knew anything and they told us "The invasion must have started."

So we run up some stairs to go back to the rooms. We're given guns to protect ourselves. On the way there, we notice a waterfall coming down the stairs from the mens bathroom. We decide not to go in since it probably wouldn't be anything good. The two girls tell us they have to go in the bathroom for a second and ask if we'd stay outside. Nameless and I agree, and wait. Then, I see something cross a corner below and go to check it out. I head a gunshot from behind me and hear "*Nameless guy* Eliminated." I turn around and see a large black figure just in time to see him shoot me in the head. I then hear "Res Eliminated."

So the girls are hysteric and rightfully so. This black figure takes them away to the roof, and ties them up with what will later be discovered at a half mile of nylon rope. Anyways.

Nameless and I somehow recover from our bulletwounds to the head, and search for the two girls. But by the time we reach the roof, the sun has gone down.
(For those who have played Gears of War, this scared me the most.)
On the roof, there were four glowing panels keeping Kryll away. We untie them, and see a lit building about half a mile away. We use the rope they were tied up with to make a zip-line over to the other lit rooftop (Which was an indoor swimming pool)

After each of us make it over, we lock the doors and barricade ourselves inside the pool building, keeping all the lights on to keep incoming Kryll out.

I woke up.

Overwhelmed as one would be, placed in my position.
Such a heavy burden now to be "The One".
Born to bear and read to all the details of our ending
To write it down for all the world to see.

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