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Cspace's Profile

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{lang:macro__useroffline} Feb 19 2020 05:21 AM

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{lang:icon}   Cspace I thought you had the Reeses

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  • Neraphym's New Pet

    Posted 29 May 2007

    [Arbiter] < randumbness47 > says:
    theres a bat behind me...

    [Arbiter] Cspace • Probably Not In Response To The Above • says:

    [Arbiter] < randumbness47 > says:
    how did it get in!!!

    [Arbiter] < randumbness47 > says:

    [Arbiter] Cspace • Probably Not In Response To The Above • says:

    [Arbiter] < randumbness47 > says:
    omg, i trapped it

    [Arbiter] < randumbness47 > says:

    [Arbiter] < randumbness47 > says:
    i have a new pet
  • Blogged: I'd Better Do What He Says...

    Posted 16 May 2007

    Res says:

    Res says:
    I will KILL myself.

    Res says:
    And when my soul finds its destination, I will topple the master of that dark place.

    Res says:
    And from my throne, I shall forge together a machine of bone and blood.

    Res says:
    This HATE engine will bore a hole between this world and yours.

    Res says:
    And as you sleep, you will be awakened by the sound of children screaming in the distance.

    Res says:
    A dark void of nothing will appear above your head, and I will emerge in my new form.

    Res says:
    You shall only recieve a glimpse of my terrible beauty before you are incinerated.

    [Arbiter] Cspace • Probably Not In Response To The Above • says:
    good stuff

    Res says:
    As tears of dark pitch stream from my eyes, a thousand hungry crows shall follow in my stead.

    Res says:
    *Grabs your face and digs his nails into your cheeks and pulls you close*

    Res says:
    And then... I will open one of my six mouths... And sing the song that ends the world..

    Res says:
    It wins, yes?

    [Arbiter] Cspace • Probably Not In Response To The Above • says:
    indeed, completely

    [Arbiter] Cspace • Probably Not In Response To The Above • says:
    still contemplating the scale of your threats

    [Arbiter] Cspace • Probably Not In Response To The Above • says:

    Res says:
    Sig it.
  • What's The Deal?

    Posted 10 May 2007

    How many people do you see on MSN who mapped emoticons to specific letters of the alphabet? Like, they'll send you a message where every 'e' is big and flashing. It's distracting, and on their side limits the total number of custom emoticons that they can send in a message (and I think the limit is already tough crazy.gif ). Whyyyy...

    I know! I'll start a rebellion! Whenever someone sends me a message with emoticons mapped to letters, I'll flood them with MSN1_12.gif, MSN1_49.gif, MSN1_39.gif, MSN1_177.gif, MSN1_174.gif, MSN1_170.gif, MSN1_168.gif, MSN1_129.gif, MSN1_1.gif, and MSN1_107.gif.

    They won't know what hit them, you don't beat me at my own game...

  • First Entry Since The Upgrade

    Posted 26 Feb 2007

    I won't start about how demented the old system was, but I'm glad I finally got this system installed. Hope everyone's enjoying it. bluetongue.gif

    I plan to post more in my blog now, but I don't have much to say tonight. I just brought in all of my old entries and wanted something new at the top, and this is it. grnwacko.gif

    Take from it what you will, but keep in mind that I've augmented this post with a Wisdom + 1 fragment that gives it that much more importance. So as Brick Road once said, "Keep this billboard in mind". Suave_anim.gif
  • Friday, 12 May 2006

    Posted 26 Feb 2007

    The universe is all messed up. Wait a second... No. The multiverse is all messed up. It deserves to be defenestrated for being so complicated. All eleven dimensions of it. I want to take all the dark matter... and shove it into both of Andromeda's cores. Omega lambda should be multiplied by a constant of zero wherever it appears. The baryons beyond our cluster should all be annihilated by antiparticles. Inflation? Quantum theory of gravity? Time dilation? The cosmological constant? Quasars? Gravitational lensing? Neutrinos? Weakly interacting massive particles? Relativity? Drake's Equation? Galaxy collisions? Redshifts?

    This is all cool stuff, but I'm going to be dead tomorrow when I have to remember it all bluetongue.gif
  • My Information

    Member Title:
    Previously Cspace
    Age Unknown
    Birthday Unknown

    Contact Information

    AIM  Cspace Support
    Website URL:
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    • (3 Pages)
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    1. Photo

      Darkness {lang:icon}

      28 May 2020 - 02:46
      I thought of you today, because many, many, many years ago, on MSN Messenger, you sent me the sheet music for the Fighting theme music from FFVII, and it seemed so outside of my ability at the time, but eventually I dug it up out of an old hard drive and it's one of my favorite songs to play now. Hope you're doing well, my man.
    2. Photo

      Phieta {lang:icon}

      08 Sep 2016 - 04:05
      So nah, nah, honey, I'm good... wait, what do you mean that's not the same song?
    3. Photo

      Res {lang:icon}

      27 Aug 2016 - 09:27
      If it hadn't been fer Cotton Eyed Joe, I'da been married 'long time ago.
      Whurdidja comefrum
      Whurdidja goe
      Whurdidja comefrum Cotton Eyed Joe
    4. Photo

      Ariana {lang:icon}

      14 Jul 2012 - 02:11
      I take interest on those souls you owe me...
    5. Photo

      doggyhead5 {lang:icon}

      20 Feb 2012 - 18:40
      Can you please delete my account and posts
      thank you
    6. Photo

      Dart060 {lang:icon}

      10 Mar 2011 - 09:33
      Could you please delete my account?
    7. Photo

      whateverusay {lang:icon}

      31 Aug 2010 - 17:20
      Please delete my account
    8. Photo

      DAK4Blizzard {lang:icon}

      17 Jul 2010 - 10:17
      Hello, I would like to delete my account.
      I would send you a personal message, but I cannot even figure out how to access it. (I selected my username while logged in from the top corner of the page, and "Messenger" does not show up under it.)
      Please comment back on my profile when you can. Thank you.
    9. Photo

      x.. {lang:icon}

      06 Apr 2009 - 12:28
      /on (';cspace.exe && ;desperado.exe')
    10. Photo

      Jakethecheesepuff {lang:icon}

      28 Jun 2008 - 09:04
    11. Photo

      Xariha {lang:icon}

      05 Mar 2008 - 01:16
      Where are those souls you promised me? :P
      We had a deal Cspace.
    12. Photo

      x.. {lang:icon}

      17 Feb 2008 - 19:31
      /off (;cspace.exe)
    13. Photo

      Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin {lang:icon}

      15 Feb 2008 - 06:56
    14. Photo

      Machine 12 {lang:icon}

      19 Jan 2008 - 21:14
      Stop stalling.
    15. Photo

      x.. {lang:icon}

      13 Jan 2008 - 19:02
    • (3 Pages)
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