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buckbeak14's Profile

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20-November 05
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{lang:macro__useroffline} Oct 10 2007 10:54 AM

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About Me

a brave man may die a thousand deaths , and yet after each return to glory , yet a coward shall die only once and never come back again ....
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Just about 1400 years ago, there were a number of terrorist attacks on minor islamic states in the middle east by christian extremists. So omar ebn al khatab went on some raids upon states such which had part in the atacks, had the leaders captured caught and made to sign a peace treaty by non-violent means. He then had his men bring  chicken and lamb tht had been cooked laviously to feed his christian guests  whom up untill an hour ago had been his enemies but were now his allies.

he then realsed the christian leaders from his custody and sent thtem home with modest gifts

And for the next 200 years there was not a single christian extremist attack anywhere in the world.

Maybe it is time for this segment of history to repeat itself, maybe in europe  or  america? The question is, how can a muslim come to try and make a peace treaty when he sees what ppl like Black Jack Pershing did?

My Information

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new pure.... melee / mage...
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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