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Awe-Chronicles Ongoing RP

#1 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Res {lang:icon}

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Posted 07 June 2006 - 09:26 PM

I've always wanted to make my own RP. And chatting with a few other SeeDs, I finally got motivation to do it. So this (in essence) isn't my own idea, but I'm DM. <3

Here's how the main RP will be played. Just like any other. The players continue with an ongoing story until the DM (Myself) changes the storyline. Won't be that often, but I will whenever I feel like it.

Ok. So here's the basic rules that WILL be applied, or I'll have action taken against your character.
  1. You will stick to the current storyline set by the DM
  2. You will try to remain in character as long as possible. If you make Out of character remarks, be sure to mark it with "OOC:"
  3. Any cheating in the game will result in a boulder falling from the sky and crushing you.
The game will consist of each player being able to choose between the following classes:
  • Warrior
  • Mage (Dark/Light)
  • Necromancer/Summoner
  • Theif
  • Ranger
The classes will determine what skills the player will have. (Will be explained later)

Players also have the ability to choose which race they want. Races to not determine much else than how the player will look or act.
  • Human
  • Dwarf
  • Neko
  • Elf
  • Half-Elf (Human/Elf mix)
The DM falls under the race "Angeling" As they determine what happens or what doesn't. *DM can have a player with no game bending powers*


Players start at lvl 1, of course. Experience will be given by myself when a monster/enemy is killed in battle, and I'll decide how to divide up the exp gained.
  1. 100 exp for lvl 2
  2. 200 added exp for lvl 3
  3. 450 exp for lvl 4
  4. 600 exp for lvl 5
  5. 900 exp for lvl 6
  6. 1,200 exp for lvl 7
  7. 1,750 exp for lvl 8
  8. 2,500 exp for lvl 9
  9. 3,000 exp for lvl 10.
Players stats are divided into the following:
  1. HP (Hit points)
  2. STR (Strength)
  3. DEX (Dexterity)
  4. ACC (Accuracy)
  5. INT (Intellegence)
  6. AGI (Agility)
  7. LUK (Luck)
HP is the amount of damage a player can take before he/she is knocked out, and is fully dependant on the DEX skill.
STR depicts the damage dealt.
DEX The higher DEX, the higher the HP! Maximum of 10 DEX per character at LVL1. The higher lvl, the higher DEX allowance.*
ACC issues the chances of hitting a critical strike.
INT will increase the amount of MP of a player. Is distributed the same as DEX.*
AGI determines the players speed, and whether he/she will dodge the attack.
LUK defines the odds of the player to have two things: Deadly Strike, or higher drop rating.

*DEX/INT lvls
1 = 15 hp
2 = 20 hp
3 = 30 hp
4 = 45 hp
5 = 50 hp
6 = 70 hp
7 = 75 hp
8 = 90 hp
9 = 95 hp
10 = 100 hp

All players (When beginning) will have 30 skill points to divide into these attributes. And will gain 5-10 extra skill pts per level gained.

Players will be able to attack various things in the game. Enemy or not. If a player chooses to attack another player, it must be for good reason, such as a stolen item, stolen kill, so on.

The attack system will go as follows.

Physical attacks:
Warriors will excel in physical attacks, and should normally have a balanced high STR and ACC. Damage will be dealth in relation to the players current STR and HP.

Thieves attacks, however, will be based off the amount of HP and AGI they have.

Rangers attacks are based off of the amount of HP and ACC added.

Damage will be calculated by the player. At the beginning of the round, the player must post their current HP/MP, AND the enemies current HP/MP. At the end of the round (Post), they will calculate and post it for the following player.

Magical attacks:
Dark Mages are masters of Elemental damage. The spells they can cast are dependant on their current level. They also choose what Magic element they want to learn. (Explained in later posts)

Light Mages are Spellcasters that focus primarily on Healing and Support spells. They can also focus on what they will learn. (Healing or support.)

Necromancers will train basic dark magic, choosing to be able to either curse opponents, or raise the dead to walk among the living.

Summoners are adept in releasing spiritual energy from any lving thing. They can also focus on summoning the spirits held within the Earth itself.
As your character levels, you will be sent PMs with a new skill you have unlocked. If you are caught using a skill which has not been unlocked for your character, you will suffer an instant K.O. in the RP.

Lunge - 10 MP: Does damage to the opposing monster equal to the users AGI x 3. Has a chance of disorienting target for one round.
Roundhouse - 5 MP: As much damage as a normal attack would do. If users STR is higher than enemies added DEX and LUK total, enemy will flee. Does not affect Boss monsters.

Mage (Light):
Mend - 15 MP: User heals a single ally for 40HP.
Barrier: 30 MP: Effects negate after battle is finished. Block all damage done to the spell target for 5 turns.

Mage (Dark):
(Chosen Elemental) Blast - 30 MP: Whichever element the Dark Mage chooses to use will be cast. Base Damage of 10. Increases by 3 for each extra INT point.
Drain - 20 MP: Steals 25 HP from target monster and transfers it to your own HP.

Curse - 30 MP: Decreases ACC and STR of enemy by half.
Bone Shield - 50 MP: Create a skeletal figure to take damage for you until the end of the battle. Shields have 80 HP.

Will Shield - 50 MP: Create a celestial being to replenish your MP as you fight. Shields have 80 MP.
Spirit Bond - 25 MP: Holds target in place for 3 rounds. Target cannot use physical attacks.

Steal - 10 MP: In a ratio of users AGI to targets AGI, user has a chance to take an item of value from the monster.
Traps - 5 MP:
Trap: Cantrips - User drops many mini-spikes onto the ground. If users added ACC and AGI total exceed that of the targets INT and LUK, target is damaged for 10 DMG for four following rounds.
Trap: Smoke Bomb - User drops smoke bomb. Reduces ALL enemy ACC to 0 for 2 rounds.

Quick Shots - 10 MP: Three fast shots at target, based off of users added total of ACC+STR. If users ACC and STR total is higher than enemies ACC, STR, and LUK. Base damage of 10 with +3 for each ACC point.
Lucky Strike - 30 MP: CRIT ATK based off of ACC and LUK combined. Easily missed, but very powerful.

When I officially start the RP session, only 10 initial slots will be open for players. Afterwards, the story will carry on until a new town is reached or a special event occurs within the story itself.

The DM will announce when Registration opens or closes.

Overwhelmed as one would be, placed in my position.
Such a heavy burden now to be "The One".
Born to bear and read to all the details of our ending
To write it down for all the world to see.

#2 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Kaisers Spirit {lang:icon}

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Posted 07 June 2006 - 10:28 PM

This is a sample of how a Player would create a character.

Name: Korlith Serkai
Race: Human
Class: Dark Mage

HP: 75
MP: 90

STR: 6
DEX: 7
ACC: 7
INT: 8
AGI: 2
LUK: 0

OOC: See, all my stats added up = 30. Which was my alloted Skill PTS at LVL1 Character creation. As I level more, I'll gain more Skill PTS. As a Dark Mage, I like to have my MP higher than my HP for more skill use.

Melee Attack: Starting attack with all classes. Dark Mage *BAPS* opponent with whatever is handy.

Beginning skill:
Shadow Cast - 10 MP: Dark Mage envelopes the enemy in a pool of Darkness. 20 DMG.

OOC: Every Dark Mage will start lvl 1 with th at skill. At lvl 2, they will be able to choose other Masteries to branch from.

Paths to Choose:
Fire Mastery
Ice Mastery
Water Mastery
Thunder Mastery
Dark Mastery

At this part, you give a breif description of your character. Perhaps a personal background, whatever you choose. Remember, this is your RP. You make it how you want. ^^

#3 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Res {lang:icon}

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Posted 07 June 2006 - 11:03 PM

I'll be playing as DM from this account, however, I'll also play as a normal character. DM decisions will be made when/if neccessary.

Characters that participate must be able to type legible text so that others may decipher what is happening. All players need a name -somewhat- roleplay-ey. Numbers are NOT allowed in a players name.

Now.. for the fun part.

For those of you who will be participating, here are the basic items for all beginning characters. (Items will be gained along the way, so you're not stuck with this.) All Players have 5 slots. Head, Body, Legs, Right arm, Left Arm.

::Beginning Items::

Head: Leather Cap
Body: Studded Jacket
Legs: Leather Boots
R-Arm: Short Dagger (+2STR)
L-Arm: Buckler (+1AGI)

Head: Hood
Body: Black Robe
Legs: Sandals
R-Arm: Dark Staff (+1STR) (+2INT)
L-Arm: (2h)

Head: Charm
Body: White robe
Legs: Sandals
R-Arm: Wand
L-Arm: nothing

Head: Nothing
Body: Mystic Garment
Legs: Mystic Garment
R-Arm: Twin Staves (+1STR)
L-Arm: Twin Staves (+2INT)

Head: Cloak
Body: Cloak
Legs: Padded Shoes
R-Arm: Dagger (+1STR) (+2AGI)
L-Arm: Chain (+1AGI)

Head: Bandana
Body: Studded shirt
Legs: Leather holster
R-Arm: Bow (+2AGI) (+3ACC)
L-Arm: (2h)
That's the basic principle of the game. Registrations for the first 10 characters are now open.
Overwhelmed as one would be, placed in my position.
Such a heavy burden now to be "The One".
Born to bear and read to all the details of our ending
To write it down for all the world to see.

#4 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Rohtaren {lang:icon}

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Posted 07 June 2006 - 11:22 PM

name- Rohtaren wanderpaw
race-half elf



appearance-elongated head, long greasy grey hair, drilling-cold grey eyes, pointed ears, pawlike hands, thin yet muscular, pointed nose that takes a wide angle down toward his chin.

kinda like this:

except pointier.
tall, very tall, like 6'9" tall.

......Since the Day he had been born, his hair was gray. It was probably becuase of his heritage, seeing as his ancestors were all born with gray hair. Few people accepted him except his parents and the emporer... this was both because he was half human, half elf and his mother was the empress, his father was still respected, but had been thrown out of his tribe for almost stealing the empress from the emporer. The emporer had forgiven them all, but the other children regarded him as dirt, muck, slime, and even worse... they told him that he was worse than a dirty vermin. This was all untrue of course, but the pressure biult up, and soon he burst, running away from home. Rohtaren I, the emporer, sentout a search party to find him. They came back several months later with the boy held gently as a limp form in one of the searcher's arms, they had reported him found deep in the mountains of the north. As Rohtaren II got older, he bagan to stand out for himself in the daycares and toutor's home, eventually, the other children came to fear him and his strong words of retaliation. Even further down his history, Rohtaren graduated from his toutor and began training in the art of war.

ooc: i was hoping i could have the race that my character has pretty much always been... oh well.

sorry, i took part of my first description and put it in here, it mentioned mousewolves so i had to change a few things.

This post has been edited by Rohtaren: 08 June 2006 - 11:35 PM


#5 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Res {lang:icon}

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Posted 07 June 2006 - 11:30 PM

Sicne my last character creation was an example, here's my real.

Name: Vasshu Serkai (Vash Kaiser)
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
HP: 70
MP: 30

STR: 6
DEX: 6
ACC: 4
INT: 3
AGI: 4
LUK: 7

Vasshu Serkai/Vash Kaiser. 18 Years old, 5'7" tall, Blonde hair.

Vash was born in a small, quaint kingdom, named "Torlai". Never spending too much time around other kids his age, he was always known as the quiet boy who would never fight back. Because of this, he was the target of many bullies. He never liked fighting, and especially didn't like to see others get picked on. Which is where he comes into play as a "Warrior" class.

One boring afternoon in Torlai, the local bully decided he could and would beat another kid into the ground. Normally, Vash would walk away from such an incident and not get involved. However, he happened to be fond of this fellow, and didn't want to see him hurt.

He charged the bully and landed a flying kick directly do his face, knocking him off the kid and sending him flying into a nearby wall. Nobody had ever seen Vash perform like this. All the kids immediately looked to him for protection. And while he disapproved if fighting, he thought protection was a more worthy cause.

People respected him until one day, a protection got out of hand. He used a pair of Brass Knuckles to stop someone, but smashed their temple, killing them instantly. Everyone turned on him and ran him out of town.

In the process of getting run out of town, he figured since he was on everyones bad list, he would steal a few weapons and pieces of armor.

Vash was exiled from Torlai and notices were sent around various other towns to watch out for him. He now acts as a mercenary taking up whatever he can to get by, though he still dislikes violence.
Overwhelmed as one would be, placed in my position.
Such a heavy burden now to be "The One".
Born to bear and read to all the details of our ending
To write it down for all the world to see.

#6 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Rohtaren {lang:icon}

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Posted 07 June 2006 - 11:31 PM

ooc:oh, every character has MP?

#7 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Nate {lang:icon}

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Posted 07 June 2006 - 11:32 PM

Name: Morgath Strider
Race: Neko
Class: Summoner

Hp: 50
Int: 100

Str: 3
Dex: 5
Acc: 5
Int: 10
Agi: 4
Luk: 3

Head: Nothing
Body: Mystic Garment
Legs: Mystic Garment
R-Arm: Twin Staves
L-Arm: Twin Staves


#8 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Res {lang:icon}

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Posted 07 June 2006 - 11:50 PM

OOC: Yes, MP is relative to INT such as HP is relative to DEX. Look on the chart. grnwink.gif
Overwhelmed as one would be, placed in my position.
Such a heavy burden now to be "The One".
Born to bear and read to all the details of our ending
To write it down for all the world to see.

#9 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Rohtaren {lang:icon}

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Posted 08 June 2006 - 12:04 AM


#10 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Ruckus Fox {lang:icon}

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Posted 08 June 2006 - 04:39 AM


Name: Ruckus (No last name)
Race: Fox Neko
Sex: Male
Class: Theif
Level: 1

HP: 50
MP: 30

STR: 5
ACC: 4
INT: 3
AGI: 7
LUK: 6

Head: Cloak
Body: Cloak
Legs: Padded Shoes
R-Arm: Dagger
L-Arm: Chain

Age: 16
Height: 5'3"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long red, length at at bottom of his shoulder blades, held together by a brass clasp in a long pony tail
Stature: Petite.

Ruckus always was one of those wandering types, never stayed in one place too long, never took the time to know many people. When one day as he was stealing a bite to eat, her overheard a group of adventurers chat about an epic quest, adventerures guild, and tales of untold riches. Ever since he's been intrigued with this and searched for his own group to travel the landscape.

Darkstorm Characters: Scaffard Crimsonflame , Zikora Yooki

#11 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Charlie {lang:icon}

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Posted 08 June 2006 - 04:53 PM

Name: Sion Lijkin ( I suck at names ) str.gif
Race: Half Elf
Class: Thief

HP: 50
MP: 30

STR: 5
DEX: 5
ACC: 5
INT: 3
AGI: 5
LUK: 7

Head: Cloak
Body: Cloak
Legs: Padded Shoes
R-Arm: Dagger
L-Arm: Chain


#12 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Res {lang:icon}

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Posted 09 June 2006 - 04:19 AM

I updated the beginning post with starting abilities for you all. In a while, I'll create a thread for the sole purpose of a roster, *Hopefully to be pinned*, and another for the actual RP.
Overwhelmed as one would be, placed in my position.
Such a heavy burden now to be "The One".
Born to bear and read to all the details of our ending
To write it down for all the world to see.

#13 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Res {lang:icon}

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Posted 09 June 2006 - 11:38 PM

The sign ups will continue 'till tomorrow morning. If any wish to sign up now, please do so, as registrations will be closed from tomorrow until a new point in the RP is reached.
Overwhelmed as one would be, placed in my position.
Such a heavy burden now to be "The One".
Born to bear and read to all the details of our ending
To write it down for all the world to see.

#14 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Res {lang:icon}

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Posted 11 June 2006 - 11:15 PM

I have reworked the entirety of combat, so I don't need to be present when a fight is actually taking place.

It will take some getting used to, and there are still some kinks to be worked through. I'll fix them as you bring them up, though. So please, any bugs you find, PM me and I'll even it out asap.

Attacking normally is based off your current HP and STR. When you state you use a normal attack, you use your STR to base the attack off of. Now, for increased DMG, you will add the number in the "Ones" digit to your STR. Example:

Vashhu Serkai:
HP: 70
STR: 6

Damage dealt: 6 (Str) + 0 = 6.

As your HP is altered, the damage you deal will be. Such as:

Vashhu Serkai:
HP: 69
STR: 6

Damage dealt: 6 (Str) + 9 = 15.

The higher your DEX, the more HP you have, and the more chances you have to deal damage as your HP falls/rises.

Special attacks, such as the Warriors "Lunge" and "Roundhouse" have static damage set up to where they are not affected by this rule.

Some magical attacks will be learned when you reach a certain level.
When gained, you'll recieve all the information about a skill.
The magic system will be worked as such: (Many thanks to OM for telling me this.)

When you gain a Magic Skill, it will have a set amount of damage that comes with it. The damage that's given may be amplified by the addition of points to your INT level. For example:

Skill: Lightning Blast - 20 MP: Base DMG: 23. +3 DMG for each additional INT level.

A character with 3 INT would add 9 pts of damage to the spell.

All spells will come with a specified Base Damage.


Some weapons you find in the game will increase your base STR/INT(Or other attributes, depending on your class.), allowing you to do potentially more damage. Other weapons may not give a potential boost in an attribute, but may grant a skill (Those will be released later.)

Weapons that add a STR bonus, will be presented like:

Short Dagger (+2STR).

And when equipped, your stats will read:

STR: 6 + 2 = 8

Always keep your base level seperate from the addition of items. DO NOT put

STR: 8

We must be able to see your base levels at all times.

Melee Weapons (Swords/axes/clubs/daggers) have chances to increase STR, DEX, AGI,and LUK.

Magic weapons (Staves/wands/gloves/) Have chances to increase INT, ACC, AGI, and LUK.

Ranged Weapons (Bows/crossbows/knives) Have chances to increase STR, DEX, ACC, and AGI.

All of these items will have a specified stat boost. Like: Staff of Ages - (+3INT) (+1AGI) (+7LUK)
Overwhelmed as one would be, placed in my position.
Such a heavy burden now to be "The One".
Born to bear and read to all the details of our ending
To write it down for all the world to see.

#15 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Rohtaren {lang:icon}

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Posted 12 June 2006 - 12:11 AM

makes sense enough.

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