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  • Video of the Week

    Posted 8 Aug 2008

    O hai!

    So. Last week. I decided. I would put a new cool video in my sig. Every Thursday.

    So. Today. I decided to put it in my blog as well. ;D

    This week's. Is a short film. It's worth watching.

  • Risen

    Posted 3 Jun 2008

    Note before entry: the reason why I haven't blogged here in... a while is because I have elsewhere I post different stuff blog-related. xD For example, my actual journal about normal life-y stuff. MySpace for when inspiration of some sort, good or bad, seeks a release. And again somewhere else for things that just don't belong anywhere else.

    However. I posted an entry on MySpace a couple months ago (maybe one month ago?) that I took down shortly after. I still have it saved, so I figured. I should post it here. xD


    What are we without inspiration? Among all, who are the dreamers, and who are the realists? Are dreams often more real than a mundane life lived in the absence of a glowing moon over flowing ink?

    My mind grows frustrated with the continued lack of something solid and unbreakable, something to be for, something born free and beautiful. Images flash and flicker constantly, in the darkest minutes of the planet and in the burning light of a lamp. Why do they simply flicker? An image of an open book, leatherbound and stained, the thick pages rippled with age old words, fragments of pieces a soul wrote hundreds, thousands of years ago.

    And then it's gone. I am pulled back, with a weary sense of anger, to the life of this day and age, flourescent lighting and loud noises. Where is the romance? It seems we live in a world driven by materialistic needs of humans, as opposed to a softer, yet harsher reality filled with the wants of our spirits.

    I feel lost at the thought of standing at the tip of a world where inspiration is but a fickle thing for fickle art. Dissatisfied and uncomfortable, claustrophobic within my thoughts. Something rips within, like a wisher that has lost hope before blowing out the flames. I fear emotion is degraded to something frail. Is that not our core? Glowing, writhing and awake, yet dying?

    Perhaps I am simply seeing life through a foggy mirror, Shalott spread beneath me. Perhaps I make sense to myself only, and perhaps I am selfishly overlooking reality. Is reality all there is? Can one not learn so much more from a dream?
  • o.o;

    Posted 4 Dec 2007

    Oh my God.

    If anyone... I'unno... perhaps has information on how she was -faking- that somehow... -please- reply and inform me of it. It'd really be a relief. I refuse to believe that. It has to be false. That... she -can't-... *Baffled*
  • How 'Bout a List?

    Posted 25 Nov 2007

    I can always look back on entries and realize my inspiration to blog probably either came from rain, or Libba Bray. If you don't know, (tsk) she is the writer of the Great and Terrible Beauty series, the third book coming out on the 26th of December. (26th, 26th, 26th... *Mindless mutter*)

    Not only does her writing inspire me to write, and have a plot of my own, something that I made, but her blog entries are like little presents that make you go "OOH! SHINY, AND IT ISN'T CHRISTMAS!" She's awesome. A wonderful person and a great writer.

    So anyway, now that the four-day weekend is drawing to a close, I thought I'd summarize it a bit. Y'know, the typical "I'm grateful for this and this and this" list, except three days late. The ranting on about how much time was wasted during the holiday, even though it'll surely be done again in a heartbeat. The usual.

    So in maybe-a-little-order, I'm grateful for:

    - The Baha'i Faith.
    - A life that is in so much more quality than a survivor living in the Middle East, with no food to give to their children.
    - My mother, and my best friend. Should something happen to her, I will be a madwoman roaming some crowded subway station, screaching curses to anyone who dares to approach. I am not kidding! *Growl*
    - Family, friends, and anyone who is connected to me somehow, whether it be with a passing glance on the street, or mere MSN conversations that make us closer.
    - I am grateful for internet friends, especially. They are cooler than most people I'd ever hope to meet on the streets. Varied and insane. But cool!
    - MSN.
    - CurvedSpace. What a cool place.
    - Icanhascheezburger. What a cool place.
    - Minimal sexism and racism than millions living in places like Saudi Arabia. I shouldn't be complaining half as much as I do about people who attribute all bad driving to women, when there are young girls being prisoned and tortured for being raped. *Shame*
    - Books. Pens. And notebooks. <3
    - Epi. Though your Altzheimer's is getting pretty bad now, I'll still love you forever. :gonk: (*Cough* Yeah, I do have a close relationship with my laptop. Jealous? Thought so. ;D)
    - Lists.
    - Coffee. With sugar and creamer. Looots and lots of sugar and creamer. <3
    - Forgiveness. What a beautiful thing.
    - Nice people. I can't help it. They're awesome. Whoever they are, wherever they are. Nice people make me want to smile and hug them and be happy the rest of the day.
    - Hugs.
    - Late-night ponderings. Through the clouds of homework and midnight stress, I've had some good times thinking the strangest things.
    - Blogs.
    - Music.
    - And weekend mornings spent with a ticking clock.

    These should be done more often, rather than just Thanksgiving. Maybe I'll post one quarterly, to shame my conscience into a more productive life. Not that it'd ever work. ;D
  • Choice

    Posted 12 Nov 2007

    Less than an hour ago I remembered a forgotten diary. After finding it, I opened it and was lost in the past for some minutes, reading the thoughts of a girl fading in the days. In a way, we are not really who we were in the past, after all. Two people, if sharing at least one different characteristic, are considered different, are they not? Memories shape our lives, and how we walk through them.

    It is an interesting thing to willingly give in to the possibilities of what a past could have held, and how. As we remember old thoughts, old ways, do we not keep some new wisdom, some different outlook, right beside them? How many things would we have done differently if, back then, we had known what we know today? Indeed, is that not the point of experiences? Without learning, life is nothing but a continuous stretch of a barren road. It is like being stuck in a shielded box, and yet, not knowing it.

    And what could we know right now, that we shall in due time? Decisions will be made, of course, things jotted down, words spoken. But would they be the same if we knew every outcome? It is a tricky thing to anticipate those. Unexpected courses are everywhere. Who will stumble over them, and who will even reach them? Who will be able to fly over them, look back in triumph and a slight smile, and be proud of what they'd done?

    Without knowing, it is a fog that veils everything. But refusing to know is to be the lie.
  • My Information

    Member Title:
    31 years old
    July 6, 1992
    Behind you. Boo.
    Your mom. And stuff.

    Contact Information

    Website URL:
    Website URL  http://


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    1. Photo

      Charlie {lang:icon}

      16 Mar 2009 - 11:05
    2. Photo

      Wolfieownzyou {lang:icon}

      08 Feb 2008 - 13:49
      hi im new 2 this and i was goin 2 say what an exellent site this is :P
    3. Photo

      Snowy {lang:icon}

      27 Dec 2007 - 08:43
      Sup? See you soon ;)
    4. Photo

      Charlie {lang:icon}

      28 Sep 2007 - 18:51
    5. Photo

      Bobette {lang:icon}

      08 Sep 2007 - 03:55
      *gets rerestraining order*
      (The first just didn't work out as I hoped)
    6. Photo

      Bobette {lang:icon}

      03 Sep 2007 - 02:03
    7. Photo

      Bobette {lang:icon}

      26 Aug 2007 - 06:06
      USE IT, FOO'
    8. Photo

      Bobette {lang:icon}

      26 Aug 2007 - 04:30
      Nazy Naze Nachos.
    9. Photo

      Bobette {lang:icon}

      25 Aug 2007 - 21:56
      *throws wild boar at you*
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      Bobette {lang:icon}

      16 Aug 2007 - 21:35
    11. Photo

      Bobette {lang:icon}

      15 Aug 2007 - 21:29
    12. Photo

      Ratty {lang:icon}

      15 Aug 2007 - 06:13
      *follows cheesy trail of goodness into dungeon*
    13. Photo

      Bobette {lang:icon}

      15 Aug 2007 - 04:07
    14. Photo

      Bobette {lang:icon}

      15 Aug 2007 - 00:43
    15. Photo

      Charlie {lang:icon}

      14 Aug 2007 - 23:37
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