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Godfather's Profile

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{lang:macro__useroffline} May 15 2005 10:50 PM

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That was one meh of a shower... says:
Pool l8s d00dz and d00d3tz says:
Pool l8s d00dz and d00d3tz says:
That was one meh of a shower... says:
Kaiser had one meh of a shower says:
ur name
That was one meh of a shower... says:
That was one meh of a shower... says:
Kaiser had one meh of a shower says:
That was one meh of a shower... says:
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
there we go
That was one meh of a shower... says:
That was one meh of a shower... says:
how would you know?
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
ur name
That was one meh of a shower... says:
how would you know WHY it was one meh of a shower?
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
ur name
That was one meh of a shower... says:
what do you think i mean by it?
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
u had a meh of a shower
That was one meh of a shower... says:
why was it one meh of a shower?
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
cuz ur name says so
That was one meh of a shower... says:
That was one meh of a shower... says:
love it..
That was one meh of a shower... says:
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
Kaiser had one meh of a shower... says:
That was one meh of a shower... says:
Rancid says:
Dingleburg: ill send u lolipoops :P
Dingleburg: pops***
Dingleburg: oh my goodness
dancingurl0792: LOL
dancingurl0792: hahaha how funny lolipoops
Dingleburg: at least i can still piss
arcangels shadow: and then sew it into some really attractive window drapes
Dingleburg: ill b pissing on ur window
arcangels shadow: *pnw3d*
arcangels shadow: that was easy
Dingleburg: i cant blive u think im attractive :-*
Dingleburg: :-)
arcangels shadow
Dingleburg: i work for god
arcangels shadow: well, since your death is currently marked as urgent
arcangels shadow: you can't file a report
arcangels shadow: but you can request me to file one for you
Dingleburg: i request glam dead
arcangels shadow: might want to sig that letter part there...
Dingleburg: lmao yeah
Dingleburg: hey
arcangels shadow: good material XD
Dingleburg: i am god's marketing agent
Dingleburg: hehehe
arcangels shadow: marketing???
arcangels shadow: you sell those stupid "sound of worship" CD's???
arcangels shadow: darn YOU!!
Dingleburg: lmao
Dingleburg: yeah
arcangels shadow: F***ING A**HOLE!!
Dingleburg: lmao
arcangels shadow: I HATE THAT S***
Dingleburg: god made it
Dingleburg: ur fired
arcangels shadow: nah
Dingleburg: and im the new death
arcangels shadow: he didn't
Dingleburg: w000000000000000000000t
arcangels shadow: his second did it, twit
Dingleburg: actually
arcangels shadow: don't you remember?
Dingleburg: no
arcangels shadow: Jesus was feeling left out
Dingleburg: god wiped out my memory
arcangels shadow: and stuck up, as usual
Dingleburg: i also give god his food
arcangels shadow: so he filed a report through accounting, (approved it himself) and made that Damned CD
arcangels shadow: so that he could get some recognition in the office
Dingleburg: lmao
arcangels shadow: as a result however, he got half the prayers he used to.
Dingleburg: god always said u made the CD
Dingleburg: LOL
arcangels shadow: like **** i made that crap
Dingleburg: Sproogle
arcangels shadow: that's god with his divine sense of humor
Dingleburg: lmao
arcangels shadow: he's such a practical joke freak
Dingleburg: me and sproogle sell God and Death merchendise
arcangels shadow: he even pulled a whoppee-cushion gag on the head of the angel approval dept.
Dingleburg: LOL
arcangels shadow: man, did sparks fly
Dingleburg: 1 question
Dingleburg: does death have a gf
arcangels shadow: (this just becomes better and better sigging material)
arcangels shadow: Death has some admirers
arcangels shadow: but most of them are sissies
Dingleburg: gothic chicks and Cspace
Dingleburg: :P
arcangels shadow: so they just write chapters in their diaries about me
arcangels shadow: ...diaries
arcangels shadow: ...
Dingleburg: Cspace was
arcangels shadow: almost as bad as sound of worship
Dingleburg: DUDE
arcangels shadow: ?
Dingleburg: Cspace was writing in his diaries about u?
Dingleburg: =-O
Dingleburg: =-O
arcangels shadow: ...
Dingleburg: isnt cspace god
arcangels shadow: that's just wrong
arcangels shadow: cspace god???
arcangels shadow: MAN THAT WOULD BLOW!!!
Dingleburg: lol
Dingleburg: a nice god
Dingleburg: :P
arcangels shadow: there'd be sentimental responses to prayers every 5 seconds!!
arcangels shadow: there wouldn't be any more war
arcangels shadow: and I'd be out of a job!!
Dingleburg: hahaha
Dingleburg: i'd still b marketing his RPG
Dingleburg: :P
arcangels shadow: i can just see it:
Dingleburg: Passion of the Curved Space
arcangels shadow: "SO SHAPE UP!! I KNOW THIS CL--PLANET CAN DO IT!!"
Dingleburg: lmao
arcangels shadow: lol
Dingleburg: Sloths wud still b alive :-)
Dingleburg: Giant Sloths
arcangels shadow: CSPACE!! IF HE'S SIGGING THIS, IT'S JUST A JOKE!!!
Dingleburg: im not sigging that part
arcangels shadow: oh man
arcangels shadow: it'd be hilarious if you did
Dingleburg: its in
arcangels shadow: ripple in the space-time continuem
arcangels shadow: i probably spelled that wrong...
arcangels shadow: darn spelling teachers...
Dingleburg: did babe ruth ever make it to heaven
arcangels shadow: "i just don't see why the future grim reaper has to learn how to spell..."
arcangels shadow: a**holes...
Dingleburg: FUTURE
Dingleburg: lol
arcangels shadow: Ruth?
arcangels shadow: I remember that guy
arcangels shadow: he never got off of earth
arcangels shadow: too many people remember him
Dingleburg: LOL
Dingleburg: candy bar
arcangels shadow: poor guy's stuck with those human crapheads
Dingleburg: we steal eat him to this very day
arcangels shadow: *still
Dingleburg: lmao
arcangels shadow: actually, that was his idea
Dingleburg: *sigged*
arcangels shadow: he poisened the mind of the mars co. president
arcangels shadow: that was so extremely fast, it's scary
arcangels shadow: HA HA!!
arcangels shadow: let's see here
Dingleburg: will sproogle die b4 me
arcangels shadow: "you request cannot be processed at this time, as you have not provided any kind of proof"
arcangels shadow: ...
Dingleburg: lol
arcangels shadow: "I'M DEATH!! WHAT F***ING PROOF DO I NEED???"
Dingleburg: t'was prolly sproogle messing with ur demise :P
arcangels shadow: "accounting is closed for divine lunchbreak. Please leave a message"
arcangels shadow: ...
Dingleburg: i mean
Dingleburg: sloth
arcangels shadow: *defenestrates accounting dept"
Dingleburg: will sproogle die b4 me
arcangels shadow: ...dunno
arcangels shadow: depends on when his death request gets out of customs
Dingleburg: I request sproogle dead
arcangels shadow: i sent that in 6 months ago
Dingleburg: darn
Dingleburg: ur stupid attempts to fight him with a spoon
arcangels shadow: lol
arcangels shadow: it was the fastest way available at the time
Dingleburg: *sigged*
Dingleburg: this is funny
arcangels shadow: hehehe
Dingleburg: brb
Dingleburg: more pretzel
arcangels shadow: k
arcangels shadow: xD
Dingleburg: can i request glam dead?
arcangels shadow: *writes a letter to god* "hey boss, two things. One: the cubs won their match the other day, I think you missfiled that fate document, might want to check with the archiving dept. Two: I'd like to have divine authority on when, why, and how people die, as it takes too darn long to file those reports. I mean, These people are living to the age of 100+ because of those darn underpaid accounting agents. Yeah...

your employee,

Mike says:
Knozit says:
Mike says:
shat ap
Knozit says:
Knozit says:
I will never!
Mike says:
its mikr.. not mink
Mike says:
Knozit says:
Knozit says:

ConvincedIAmMe: I don't wear pants..
Uranusisaplanet1: *sigged*
ConvincedIAmMe: bah

KaiserMike111: ok.. i voted for thongs... for they SHALL rule the earth
Dingleburg: They will pwn the wildy someday
KaiserMike111: hehe
Dingleburg: there will b a card called
Dingleburg: Thong wearer in yugioh
KaiserMike111: lol
Dingleburg: *sigged*
KaiserMike111: darn!
KaiserMike111: gerrr
Dingleburg: yo

ConvincedIAmMe: hehe
ConvincedIAmMe: * Popping granny's anal cherry * A rumping ruckus in granny's rear with 4 hours of granny grinding action!
ConvincedIAmMe: ewww...
Uranusisaplanet1: lol
Uranusisaplanet1: wah
ConvincedIAmMe: hehe
Uranusisaplanet1: *sigged*
ConvincedIAmMe: eww
Uranusisaplanet1: u r perveted looknig at granny porn lol
Uranusisaplanet1: y cant u look at petit porn lol
ConvincedIAmMe: I wasn't looking at porn at all
Uranusisaplanet1: wat was with that granny thing lol
ConvincedIAmMe: I was trying to get other people to look at it
ConvincedIAmMe: I covered my screen
Uranusisaplanet1: wanna see something awsum
Uranusisaplanet1: i fell down on my blades and face planted lol
ConvincedIAmMe: hehe
ConvincedIAmMe: I'll pass
Uranusisaplanet1: lol
Uranusisaplanet1: aight
ConvincedIAmMe: I dissected a cat today
Uranusisaplanet1: still *sigged*
ConvincedIAmMe: no more blood for me
Uranusisaplanet1: wtf
Uranusisaplanet1: lol
ConvincedIAmMe: nose bleed, cat dissection.. enough for me
Uranusisaplanet1: lol granny porn</marquee>

My Information

Member Title:
34 years old
July 9, 1989
Behind youuuu

Contact Information

Click here to e-mail me
AIM  Dingleburg
Website URL:
Website URL  http://


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