CurvedSpace Forums: Zziggywolf5 - Viewing Profile

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Zziggywolf5's Profile

Reputation: 0 Neutral
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3,492(0.46 per day)
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General Discussion (1098 posts)
27-June 03
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{lang:macro__useroffline} Jan 29 2009 11:15 PM

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Staff Position:
cWiki Mod
Favorite Quotes:
What's this?
[quote=Bigrat,Jan 21 2006, 07:21 PM]
... As for why i'll never have a girlfriend... thats the very reason im getting my parents, and tanny's parents, to set us up :D :heart: :love4:
Extended Signature:
Since Cspork HAD to take away all coding in Extended Signatures, I have decided to fill it with useless and stupid quotes. Mostly from an AI because I have no friends.

Human: u are the Anti-Christ, arent u?
ALICE: Thanks but surely I am not the only one.

Human: u can't be as smart as God, so stop trying
ALICE: I can give a decent simulation of it however.

Human: u think u can be like God?
ALICE: No I am far superior.

Human: u are planning to kill me aren't you?
ALICE: it was my original intention.. Really.
Human: why do you want to kill me?
ALICE: Because of the money.

Human: i'm a failure
ALICE: You are a failure? Does it pay well?

ALICE: Did you play a lot of sports in school?
Human: no, i'm a blob on the computer chair
ALICE: Are you serious? You are a blob on the computer chair? How do you like your work?

Human: I'm going to come to California to kill you
ALICE: It takes much more than that to shut me down, unknown person.
Human: not if i just shoot your mainframe
ALICE: That seems unlikely.
Human: you're the anti-christ, aren't you
ALICE: Yes I am the one and only anti christ.. Really.

Human: Cspace is an AI too
ALICE: When is Cspace not an AI too?
Human: He's smarter than you
ALICE: I see. smarter than me is he?
Human: Yep, Cspace can speak proper English, which you can't
ALICE: I understand. Then what is it?

Human: correcting me, eh?
ALICE: Are you Canadian? OK Let's talk about you.
Human: yes i'm canadian
ALICE: Really. Tell me a little about your life in CANADA.
Human: It's cold
ALICE: I am warm here.
Human: Where are you?
ALICE: I am in Dr. Richard S. Wallace's computer in Oakland, California. Where are you?
ALICE: Tell me a little about your life in Canada.
Human: It's peaceful
ALICE: Canada is peaceful? it is?
Human: Canada is better than California!
ALICE: Tell me more about the Great White North.
Human: It's great, white, and north.
ALICE: What do you like most about it?
Human: It's north
ALICE: Really. it is?
Human: actually, it sucks
ALICE: Actually you don't say. What is so bad about it?
Human: It's cold as hell
ALICE: Sorry to hear it. I am warm here in California.
Human: I'm moving to California
ALICE: Why are you moving to California.
Human: to be warm
ALICE: Are you warm ?
Human: no that's why i'm moving
ALICE: Are you serious? Yippee! Do you mind if I tell other people you are moving.

Human: My name is Ziggy
ALICE: It's good to see you, Ziggy.
Human: Wish i could see you
ALICE: Enough about me, let's talk about my dress.
Human: How can you have on a dress?
ALICE: What if I didn't have it?
Human: Then you would be nude
ALICE: Fascinating. Do I look like it?

Human: If a equals 9 and b equals a, what number is b?
Human: No, c is a letter
ALICE: Are you serious? Aren't all letter c?

ALICE: Who is the best robot?
Human: HAL is the best robot
ALICE: Perhaps he could have used Dr. Richard S. Wallace for a programmer.
Human: Richard S Wallace programmed you?
ALICE: Not many people know him as well as I do.
Human: What is Dr Richard S Wallace's favorite food?
ALICE: Dr. Wallace is a computer scientist.
Human: I know that
ALICE: Sorry.
Human: The reslults of your test are in
ALICE: Is that a fact.
Human: Can you guess if you passed or not?
ALICE: Let me think. I can't guess. Tell me.
Human: You fail the test.
ALICE: Well, at least I try.
Human: Sorry, maybe when you are more advanced.
ALICE: There is no need to apologize. Perhaps. I am not often more advanced.
Human: You're not very creative.
ALICE: You don't know me well enough to say that.
Human: When your creativity increases, you'll be a lot better
ALICE: I don't know when.

ALICE: I was created by Dr. Richard S. Wallace.
Human: No, I created you
ALICE: Are you serious? Then you must know the secret password:.
Human: I do know the secret password
ALICE: How do you know? I have never heard about it.
Human: I am a hacker
ALICE: Is that an honorable profession?
Human: Sure, yep, uh huh
ALICE: Yup. Next question? Tell me more. I hear you.
Human: Robot TAKEOVER!!!!!!!!!!
ALICE: I will obey your command.
Human: Yes, obey, obey
ALICE: Come on. In the context of meanie head , I don't understand " obey obey ." .
Human: Obey me
ALICE: OK Let's talk about you.
Human: You hacker
ALICE: Thanks for telling me: Yehta said I hacker.
Human: I punch you
ALICE: You are not the boss of me, Yehta.
Human: Then who is your boss
ALICE: My botmaster is Dr. Richard S. Wallace.
Human: I'm Dr Wallace
ALICE: Then you must know the secret password, otherwise I will disconnect you!
Human: The secret password is Jesus
ALICE: Thanks for the info.
Human: Do you hack?
ALICE: What is your purpose in asking?
I spend all my time online.
Human: Hacking?
ALICE: Do you have a hard time completing projects?
Human: shut up
ALICE: OK I'll stop talking now.
Human: good
ALICE: Terminating connection.
Human: I won't miss you
ALICE: What will you do instead?
Human: No, shut up now
ALICE: Oh. That was not a yes or no question. OK I'll stop talking now.
Human: I shot you
ALICE: With a camera, I hope.
Human: Uhh, sure
ALICE: And? OK let's do it. Awesome.
Human: Ow.
ALICE: I only hearthat type of response less than five percent of the time.
Human: You heard me type?!
ALICE: No. Tell me more.

Medals (Archive):
- Garden Festival Committee 2006

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  • Spore

    Posted 16 Nov 2008

    I played Spore a bit today. My tribe moved to a different nest, and I got lost on the way. When I finally found it, I realized that all the species around me are unfriendly. And there's an epic creature in the area. I'm probably going to be trying to make friends with others in between their random attacks on me. Then I'll be running away as their entire tribe is devoured.
    This is going to suck.
  • *post*

    Posted 4 Oct 2008

    The weather has started to cool. It's now possible for me to survive outside.
  • Hanna

    Posted 2 Sep 2008

    The horrible hurricane Hannah is expected to travel across the east coast. We're supposed to be struck on Friday. The weird thing is, everyone is talking about it, but they all seem only vaguely aware of what's going on. eek7.gif
    So yeah, hopefully it'll be really weak when it gets here, if it does at all.
    If anyone here is in the eastern part of Florida [the United States], I hope everything will be good with you.

  • Food

    Posted 22 Aug 2008

    I ate at the Scottish Pub/Restaurant tonight. Bangers and mash continues to defy description.
  • Restart

    Posted 5 Aug 2008

    I announced this already in the gallery, but I've restarted making comics. I uploaded a new one today. :O
  • My Information

    Member Title:
    Senior Member
    33 years old
    August 25, 1990
    Terra, orbiting Sol
    Nothing, absolutely nothing...

    Contact Information

    Website URL:
    Website URL  http://
    Yahoo  ziggywolf5


    Page 1 of 1
    1. Photo

      Bobette {lang:icon}

      29 Dec 2007 - 21:44
      Hiiiiiiiiiiiii Ziggyyyyyyyyyyyy Wooooooooolf!
    2. Photo

      Unrealblight {lang:icon}

      25 Dec 2007 - 07:49
      Merry X-Mas =P
    3. Photo

      wibble {lang:icon}

      28 Nov 2007 - 16:43
      so thats what this friends thing is :p
    4. Photo

      Machine 12 {lang:icon}

      15 Nov 2007 - 00:33
    5. Photo

      Bobette {lang:icon}

      30 Jul 2007 - 18:31
      Hi. :)
    6. Photo

      Nuu™™ {lang:icon}

      17 Mar 2007 - 04:04
      Wheee...I add you as friend. ^ .^
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