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It has been said that the time of Earthia would end with the Storm. After civilizations wage wars, and heroes come and go, Succession will be as inevitable as the daylight falling beyond the horizon. The Storm's eye passed during the Third Age, and as conflicts once again dominate the realm, a sense of dread will fall upon the land... As if the sun will never again rise to bring an end to the darkness of night.

With the growing conflict, the energy known as "Arcana" has begun to emanate from the depths of the universe. With this energy, many have begun to understand the ancient and previously rare disciplines of the Avendil. What this means is not known, but many fear the outcome of the recent wars between them.

What is known for certain, though, is that now is the dawn of the Age of Storms.


  • The dark technological empire of Corroria is working to accomplish a mysterious and secretive goal...
  • The legions of Nemorok are seeking to return the Revenant from the Tenebrous Realm...
  • The Arbiters and the Eumidia are working to stop Valeron from fulfilling their dark goals...
  • The Aphorites are seeking revenge against the Corrorians for destroying their homeworld...
  • The kingdoms of Aderon, Forlon, and Entarca are waging a never-ending war for influence and control...
  • The rebel outcasts of Corroria are seeking to profit at their old empire's expense...
  • Many bands of bandits and pirates are waging an Underground war for their own gain...
  • The Edóvaen are working to stop an ancient terror from fulfilling an abysmal prophecy...


What do you seek? Whether it be profit, control, power, revenge, peace, or just your own freedom, the choice is yours. Take a look around and find the means to reach your goals.

Welcome to Earthia.

and Age of Arcana are both created by Cspace (

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