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The Seeds of New Darkness

#1 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Pureblade {lang:icon}

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Posted 28 July 2008 - 03:25 AM

Cacodaemon Hemoian drifts off the ferry slowly, savoring the dark power surrounding it. Without pausing it advances through the crumbling streets of Shral Valeron. Beings of pure evil gather in groups all around, discussing the fate of the dark armies now that their leader is missing. Whispers drift through the hazy darkness of a new power, one that could finally challenge and overthrow the Light.

If Cacodaemon could smile, it would. It knew what needed to be done, and it knew exactly how it was going to do it. With the dark forces in disarray and the powers of the light wavering, it would be a simple matter to gain control. One last glancing look around it's new home, and then forward, to the pinnacle of authority in this cursed city.

A new age? Yes. One that will pale all those that came before it, awash in blood and darkness.
Darkstorm Character Profiles:
Neolumin Animate
Cacodaemon Hemoian

#2 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Mobster101 {lang:icon}

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Posted 28 July 2008 - 03:37 AM

Decipi had decided to follow the dark figure he spotted on the ferry.

The city of Shral Valeron was a wasteland, not for the reasons most would assume, however. No, Decipi quite liked the darkness, he felt comfortable in its dark embrace. Instead the land felt empty, drained of a power it once had. As he pondered these thoughts, Decipi walked the cold stone streets until he spotted the figure from the ferry. It became quite clear that this was no man, though he had first confused it for one. Its edgeless figure seemed to be part of Valeron's darkness itself. It stood still, as if pondering. What could this creature be thinking? Perhaps it felt the emptiness that had been so apparent to Decipi. The figure then began moving slowly away, but Decipi would not let it go without a little investigation.

With his gloved hands in his sleeves, Decipi walked toward the figure. Standing tall, calm, and collected with his pale face barely visible amongst of his cloak and the lands surrounding him. "Vedui'" Decipi stated. The Elvish word being translatable to "greetings" for the common language.

#3 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Pureblade {lang:icon}

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Posted 28 July 2008 - 03:52 AM

With those few syllables, it was as if the final piece to an elaborate puzzle fell into place. A slow ripple curled up and around the form of Cacodaemon, distorting it's outline to a fuzzy haze.

Suddenly behind the dark elf, Cacodaemon intruded into his mind, breaking past long-erected barriers against mental intrusion with ease. The word 'telepath' came to mind, along with a sense of honor, control, and discipline. Paralleled with a long streak of contempt and darkness, it was the perfect mind, the perfect weapon.

Know me, elf. Know me, and know the Void from whence I came.

Retreating from the brutal forced-contact and leaving only a minor mental link open for communication, Cacodaemon proceeds towards the towering Citadel, sure Decipi will follow. Who could resist such temptation, after all?
Darkstorm Character Profiles:
Neolumin Animate
Cacodaemon Hemoian

#4 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Mobster101 {lang:icon}

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Posted 28 July 2008 - 04:02 AM

The mental intrusion would have fallen a lesser being, but Decipi still stood. The memories of all his years, whether banished from his thoughts or things he had never spoken of, rushed through his mind. That fateful day rung through his skull like the pierce of a mighty bell. Decipi's hands fell from his sleeves and reached for a skin of water he kept on his belt. Hoping the cool liquid would wash the memories back into their rightful place, he gulped the water as if it was his life force. Finally his mind began to ease and he placed the skin back onto his belt. Anger began welling inside, that creature would pay for what it had done. And yet, what exactly HAD it done? Decipi followed the creature towards the citadel, cursing the beast and yet feeling a since of respect towards it. Just what would this bring?

#5 {lang:macro__useroffline}   Pureblade {lang:icon}

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Posted 31 July 2008 - 05:50 AM

OOC: Continued from Citadel.

Cacodaemon Hemoian advances steadily across the blighted landscape. Very few beings are wandering across the desolate plains, but those that cross it's path are quickly dispatched without warning or hesitation. One, a kobold, actually attempted to escape after it's arm was ripped completely off. The creature's journey lasted only a few yards before it collapsed.

At each of it's victims carcasses, Cacodaemon stops, drawing the remaining life force into a pitch black mirror. As the souls gather inside the mirror a flickering aura grows steadily stronger.

Before long, the wraith spots it's fifth and final target ahead. Understanding the need for a swift victory over what appears to be a dark-robed human, Cacodaemon unleashes a swarm of dark orbs towards the figure. They speed forward, flying through and around strewn boulders as if with a mind of their own. Turning slowly, the figure regards the approaching orbs carefully, then throws up a hand in a warding motion. Cacodaemon ripples softly, infuriated that this creature could so easily halt it's assault.

A magic-user then. There were many ways to handle spell-casters. Direct, and often brutal, ways. Bounding forward across the empty space, Cacodaemon closes the gap within seconds. Surprise crosses the features of the wizard, a shadow elf male. The elf lifts his hands in a final attempt at a spell. Those hands rise, then slow, and finally fall as he realizes it is all for naught. A thin, and very sharp appendage protrudes from the elf's back. The mirror feeds one last time, then darkens completely.

Cacodaemon walks to a shaded grove of twisted trees, long dead and crumbling into dust. In the center of the grove the mirror is buried. Without any further ceremony Cacodaemon drifts away, back towards Shral Valeron. Trusting in the naivety displayed thus far in Valeron's residents might not be the safest decision, but even if one should find the mirror before the allotted time little could be done to halt the planted darkness.

Unfortunately, Void mirrors were extremely hard to come by. Cacodaemon expected to be busy for quite some time seeking another.
Ah well. Four hands are always better than two. And six?
This train of thought made the wraith quicken it's pace further, small ripples of edged darkness sliding around it's form.
Darkstorm Character Profiles:
Neolumin Animate
Cacodaemon Hemoian

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