The rules for this game are pretty simple. Firstly, you must officially register for DarkStorm (see DStorm Rules for more information) top participate.
All traditional DarkStorm combat rules apply except:
* All player's characters have a special post count for this minigame of 10,000 posts. To join this minigame you must put a link to your profile in your sig, and in that profile it must have your special stats for this minigame.
* All players may engage with all others unless some ability prevents it.
* Multiple players may attack the same player unless some ability prevents it.
* A player may disengage with one opponent and engage with another oppenent in the same turn unless some ability prevents it.
* All weapons (other than starter weapons), items, money or anything else veteran players have gained while playing DarkStorm do not have any effect in this minigame. In other words, you are technically making another character, only you can use your normal character's name.
* The last player alive wins the huge prize of eight thousand Cinii!
* Second and third place recieve 4000 and 2000 Cinii respectively.
And that's it! Enjoy! (I wish I could participate )
Edit: I wonder if you Cspace could prove that he can beat everyone at his own game? *hint hint*
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DarkStorm Garden Festival Minigame!
Posted 05 December 2006 - 09:13 AM
I have trademarked the symbol: '™'. You fail at display names.
^ Thanks to Nazy for the... thingy ^
Things which you should look at:
SKoA - , if you have any Age of Empires games.
The DS Garden Festival Minigame - Link , whether you play DStorm or not.
The Most Mysterious SSSS - Link For people who don't care about...things.
Like LEGO? Play Blockland!
^ Thanks to Nazy for the... thingy ^
Things which you should look at:
SKoA - , if you have any Age of Empires games.
The DS Garden Festival Minigame - Link , whether you play DStorm or not.
The Most Mysterious SSSS - Link For people who don't care about...things.
Like LEGO? Play Blockland!
I may be an Arbiter, but I'll always be a SeeDy little man.™™
Posted 14 December 2006 - 05:20 AM
I might send a mass pm to all who play DarkStorm, hopefully then they'll notice.
I have trademarked the symbol: '™'. You fail at display names.
^ Thanks to Nazy for the... thingy ^
Things which you should look at:
SKoA - , if you have any Age of Empires games.
The DS Garden Festival Minigame - Link , whether you play DStorm or not.
The Most Mysterious SSSS - Link For people who don't care about...things.
Like LEGO? Play Blockland!
^ Thanks to Nazy for the... thingy ^
Things which you should look at:
SKoA - , if you have any Age of Empires games.
The DS Garden Festival Minigame - Link , whether you play DStorm or not.
The Most Mysterious SSSS - Link For people who don't care about...things.
Like LEGO? Play Blockland!
I may be an Arbiter, but I'll always be a SeeDy little man.™™
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